Fengyang Herbology Online Certification Program

$625.00 every month for 2 years

Class starts Sept. 2023

Every Saturday: 5-6 pm EST, 2-3 PST

Dr. Wu imparts his 38 years of herbal medicine knowledge, along with about 20 key formulas on to you. Include formulas from standard classes one would take at university, FengyangTCM ancient clinical formulas and even Dr.Wu’s personally special clinical formulas that together will cover most clinically occurring issues patients have with great effect. Dr.Wu will also cover unique herbs that are used in his hometown that he has great experience using.

This class is specialized in clinical use of herbal formulas and the material covers the key aspects of what one would learn in the three following classes.

·      “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “TCM Diagnosis” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “Herbal Medicine Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

·      “Herbal Formula Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

The class will be 2 years long, meeting 1 hour per week, for a total of 104 hours, for homework students will be asked to find 5-10 cases of people to try each key formula on in order to learn clinically how to use these herbs effectively. After the classes end there will be a final test. Those who pass the test will receive a certificate for Fengyang TCM Herbology.

Class will start Sept. 2023. Sign up now to pay for the first month and reserve your spot in the class. The second payment will occur in Oct. 2023.

The cost of this class is $625 per month for 24 months.

Note: Students also need to sign up for the online Fengyang Qi Gong class (every Friday at 1pm EST/10am PST) : Fengyang Qi Gong - Virtual LA Class . Sign up now to start practicing! (If you are a member of our Facebook Wu Healing Group, you don’t need to sign up for this Qi Gong class)


Class starts Sept. 2023

Every Saturday: 5-6 pm EST, 2-3 PST

Dr. Wu imparts his 38 years of herbal medicine knowledge, along with about 20 key formulas on to you. Include formulas from standard classes one would take at university, FengyangTCM ancient clinical formulas and even Dr.Wu’s personally special clinical formulas that together will cover most clinically occurring issues patients have with great effect. Dr.Wu will also cover unique herbs that are used in his hometown that he has great experience using.

This class is specialized in clinical use of herbal formulas and the material covers the key aspects of what one would learn in the three following classes.

·      “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “TCM Diagnosis” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “Herbal Medicine Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

·      “Herbal Formula Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

The class will be 2 years long, meeting 1 hour per week, for a total of 104 hours, for homework students will be asked to find 5-10 cases of people to try each key formula on in order to learn clinically how to use these herbs effectively. After the classes end there will be a final test. Those who pass the test will receive a certificate for Fengyang TCM Herbology.

Class will start Sept. 2023. Sign up now to pay for the first month and reserve your spot in the class. The second payment will occur in Oct. 2023.

The cost of this class is $625 per month for 24 months.

Note: Students also need to sign up for the online Fengyang Qi Gong class (every Friday at 1pm EST/10am PST) : Fengyang Qi Gong - Virtual LA Class . Sign up now to start practicing! (If you are a member of our Facebook Wu Healing Group, you don’t need to sign up for this Qi Gong class)

Class starts Sept. 2023

Every Saturday: 5-6 pm EST, 2-3 PST

Dr. Wu imparts his 38 years of herbal medicine knowledge, along with about 20 key formulas on to you. Include formulas from standard classes one would take at university, FengyangTCM ancient clinical formulas and even Dr.Wu’s personally special clinical formulas that together will cover most clinically occurring issues patients have with great effect. Dr.Wu will also cover unique herbs that are used in his hometown that he has great experience using.

This class is specialized in clinical use of herbal formulas and the material covers the key aspects of what one would learn in the three following classes.

·      “Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “TCM Diagnosis” by Jason Ni (18 classes)

·      “Herbal Medicine Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

·      “Herbal Formula Studies” by Dr. Wu (34 classes)

The class will be 2 years long, meeting 1 hour per week, for a total of 104 hours, for homework students will be asked to find 5-10 cases of people to try each key formula on in order to learn clinically how to use these herbs effectively. After the classes end there will be a final test. Those who pass the test will receive a certificate for Fengyang TCM Herbology.

Class will start Sept. 2023. Sign up now to pay for the first month and reserve your spot in the class. The second payment will occur in Oct. 2023.

The cost of this class is $625 per month for 24 months.

Note: Students also need to sign up for the online Fengyang Qi Gong class (every Friday at 1pm EST/10am PST) : Fengyang Qi Gong - Virtual LA Class . Sign up now to start practicing! (If you are a member of our Facebook Wu Healing Group, you don’t need to sign up for this Qi Gong class)