What is Tui Na and How Can One Benefit?

Tui Na (pronounced “twee nah”)  is an ancient bodywork therapy technique in Taoist Chinese Medicine that works into the bioelectric system of the body, influencing the energy system of an individual. It is the oldest system of bodywork in the world, which is a testament to its level of effectiveness. The simple yet underrated technique of awakening the bioelectric system of an individual properly delegates the role of healing to the nervous system by assisting it in transmitting signals between the brain, body and internal organs.

For most Westerners, Tui Na is generally an uncommon and unknown practice since it is not typically advertised in the media. It is one of the ancient Taoist Chinese Medicine modalities that proves to be very effective in healing the body with specific ailments and pain. It is also a significant piece of Fengyang Chinese Medicine that is used regularly as a core treatment. Fengyang TCM beautifully combines the main principles of Chinese Medicine and Taoist Philosophy, believing that when the energy is flowing correctly, disease struggles to exist in one’s body, mind and spirit. Tui Na helps the body align to its most optimal state by triggering an autonomic nervous system response that ushers energy to areas that need attention.

Tui Na is extremely optimal for anyone at any time, but especially best when the body needs support. When one is experiencing chronic pain, it may be a good indication that one is in need of Tui Na and/or a lifestyle change. Most problems are rooted from a lack of ease in the body, mind or spirit usually stemming from the decisions and diet choices we make every day.

Tui Na is a great way to supplement a lifestyle change to give the body the right energy to guide further healing. Tui Na before scheduled surgery may even resolve the issue on its own with the right conditions. More specifically, when the patient takes on 70% of their own commitment to health and supplements that with 30% support from the practitioner with Tui Na, it is more likely that the case will succeed, regardless of the goal. 

Studies suggest that Tui Na has a high success rate for relieving chronic pain and has a strong capacity to cure major illnesses when used in combination with herbal medicine. Ideally, the whole Fengyang medicinal system should be used for optimal healing which would include adding meditation (qi gong and/or tai chi), Moxibustion, Tea, and adjusting one’s lifestyle to eliminate excess inflammation or a state of un-ease. Regardless, Tui Na remains to be continued today due to its simplicity and high level of effectiveness. 

Benefits of Tui Na:

·      Releases stress and tension

·      Helps with breathing problems

·      Seizure

·      Whole body rejuvenation

·      Lower back pain

·      Improve blood pressure

·      Stroke

For a consultation or treatment, please contact 860-310-5438.

About Dr. Ming Wu:

Dr. Ming Wu, Ph.D, is the Founder and Doctor of Chinese Medicine and a 20th generation practitioner of Fengyang Taoist Chinese Medicine. His mission is to offer ancient and proven Taoist Chinese Medicine as an alternative option to help individuals improve their health, quality of life and wellness by teaching and partnering with his patients to also take responsibility for their lifestyle.


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