The Power and Benefits of Tui Na

Are you suffering from bloating, anemia, or poor digestion? Maybe you’re dealing with anxiety, achy muscles, or dry skin? Or you could be fighting asthma or other breathing problems? These are just a few symptoms and telling signs of what is known as a “qi deficiency.”

Your qi is essentially your life force, your overall energy. But, a qi deficiency is much more than a simple lack of energy. Symptoms can include anything from digestive, lung, kidney, and heart problems, to other ailments such as memory loss, anxiety, brittle hair, dry skin, and an overall emotional exhaustion. Luckily, there is an aspect of Taoist Chinese Medicine that can help restore your qi, and that is Tui Na.

What is Tui Na?

Tui Na is an ancient form of Chinese therapy that includes a variety of massage and manipulation techniques that help you find balance and harmony within your body. If you’ve heard the terms “yin” and “yang,” the goal of Tui Na is to restore harmony between them by removing blockages and instabilities that result in certain illnesses, diseases, and emotional issues.

How does this aspect of TCM work exactly? Tui Na focuses on removing the blockages that are causing qi stagnation, thus opening your vital energy source – your qi – to improve the flow of blood circulation and remove the immobility and stagnation of fluids and energy in the body.

You may be asking yourself, how is Tui Na different from just going to get a massage? Although Tui Na may look like a simple form of massage therapy, it is actually moving your “energy” to activate your body and allow it to heal itself. It is a profound spiritual practice that can resolve many ailments and diseases for patients that Western medicine has simply failed to accomplish.

Tui Na has been considered as one of the most effective and potent TCM treatments. It is used for musculoskeletal disorders, such as pain and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, back, and limbs, as well as internal disorders like digestive and respiratory issues.


What Does Tui Na Treat?

Whether you are treating a specific illness or disease, or just maintaining good health, Tui Na is the perfect method to treat your pain, discomfort, and sickness. It is also effective at reducing stress and anxiety, deepening one’s sleep, and supporting an overall relaxation within one’s body.

Tui Na is based on the principles of TCM that involve a combination of pressing, rubbing, kneading, and stretching techniques. These techniques are applied to specific areas and points of the body, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. The goal? To promote the flow of qi throughout the body in order to relieve pain and tension, and restore one’s balance and harmony throughout the body.

There are numerous benefits to receiving Tui Na, including, but not limited to, the following:

Pain relief – If you have chronic sports injuries, back or neck pain, or other musculoskeletal conditions, the techniques of pressing, kneading, and rubbing can help alleviate the pain and discomfort in sore muscles, joints, and connective tissues. A 2018 study of people with chronic neck pain found that the intensity of their pain was reduced with just six Tui Na treatments over a three-week period. Not only that, but a study two years earlier found that Tui Na massage was effective at treating lower back pain when combined with stability exercises.

Musculoskeletal disorders – Tui Na is also used to improve the overall functions of joints, bones, and muscles when suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. Tui Na techniques include stretching and joint mobilization, so it improves one’s flexibility and range of motion while also helping relieve body stiffness and movement. A 2017 review backs this up, as it illustrated how Tui Na was effective in relieving musculoskeletal pain compared to medication, physical therapy, and traction. For example, Tui Na has been used to ease the pain and suffering of carpal tunnel syndrome more effectively than medication and hormone block therapy.

Digestive function – Tui Na is beneficial for numerous digestive disorders because it targets specific points to encourage proper digestion, relieve discomfort and bloating in the abdominal area, and improve gastrointestinal functions.

Improve circulation – One of the main benefits of Tui Na is improving one’s blood circulation by stimulating the body’s energy flow – our qi – throughout our body. This helps improve the flow of oxygen and nutrients to enhance circulation and reduce inflammation in one’s body.

Anxiety, stress, and depression – Since Tui Na promotes relaxation, it has been found to relieve stress and anxiety, while also being used to treat depression. This is done by targeting acupressure points that are connected to both the relaxation and balancing the body’s energy. Studies have shown over the years that Tui Na massage has also had a proven therapeutic effect on depression and is considerably more effective than conventional Western treatments.

These are just a few conditions that can benefit from practicing the power of Tui Na. Since the principles of Tui Na are to focus on balancing the body’s qi, it can be used to relieve everything from respiratory issues, menstrual cramps and fatigue, to diabetes, headaches, and arthritis.

Tui Na has even been found to be a practical option to improving the quality of life in cancer patients and those dealing with the painful and uncomfortable effects of chemotherapy and radiation.


Final Thoughts

Tui Na may be used with other TCM therapies, such as acupuncture, herbal medicines, and dietary therapy. This combination will depend on what comprehensive approach you specifically need for your personal healing and wellness.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of Tui Na will depend on the individual person, and the specific conditions being addressed. Someone with unbearable menstrual cramps will have different needs than someone with anemia, fatigue, or diabetes. You should always consult with a trained and qualified Tui Na practitioner for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan.










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