How Taoism Plays into Having a More Stress-Free Life

The Essence of Taoism:

Taoism is an ancient philosophy of spirituality and a way of life from ancient China. The writings and beliefs are from a mystical figure named Lao-Tzu from 2,500 years ago. The core belief is that “Tao” is the origin and law of all things in the universe. The Tao is “the Way” and represents the natural order and flow of the universe which is defined by balance and harmony in oneself, with nature and others.

It emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with nature and its cycle of life accepting the world as it is. Accepting the natural order of human existence is another concept: birth, growth, maturity, old age, and death.  In modern society, we resist what is natural like aging into our golden years by looking for solutions that can give us what we had in our 20s or 30s and reversing time. Anti-aging creams, plastic surgery or med spa skin treatments are micro examples of our society’s products. Taoist teachings encourage acceptance and the value of going with the flow. Simplicity, patience, compassion, humility, and non- action or “wu wei” are some other core beliefs in Taoism to lessen the pressures of life’s challenges and hardships while life becomes complicated. It is then, most importantly to maintain your core and balance.

The goal of life is to find one’s own way to the rhythm of the natural world and not be confined by modern standards & rigidities, such as Confucian moralism. It shuns against class ranks, aggression, competition and pragmatism.

To be a part of the Tao, is to unite and tune in with the Universal Mind and harmonize with nature by balancing the yin and yang energies. We can create, generate, and embrace the “qi” ( life force) through practices like Qi Gong, Tai Chi or meditation.

The human body is an energy source that can be tapped into as it owns healing power or “qi” ( life force) for the body systems. If we can integrate the mindset and practice of Taoism in our lives, we are better equipped to handle the stresses and even physical ailments that may arise in our lives.


How Chinese Medicine and Taoism Complement Each Other:

When it comes to Taoist Chinese Medicine, learning the ways of Taoism is a complementary benefit.

The effects of stress, strain, aging, and injury can cause great havoc on the body.  The body becomes constricted and tense which compromises the flow of body fluids and energy itself. To restore the natural, balanced energy flow or “qi”, the body needs to become soft and open again. This is an example of how yin and yang energies come to play when there is a blockage or need to rebalance the “qi” flow.

Taoist Chinese Medicine not only fixes the physical aspect of the ailment, but also energetically to put  the body back into homeostasis. Based on your body energy type and health condition, we can determine the proper and personalized treatment for our spirit, emotional well-being, and physical body.


If you like to learn more about TCM and have a Consultation with Dr. Ming Wu, please call 860-310-5438.


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